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[survive more] JusticeBattler Proudia The Motion Anime

survive more
系列作: survive more

Overview: Personal name: "Pura Diya,the fighter of justice",first place rookie super hero,first appearance of Kaya,successful completion. I am surprised at how quickly people express their feelings and respect the public's joy and respect. However,if the old hero is in the public eye,he will be humiliated and successful. In this case,a hostage was taken from another's family,and the scene of the destruction of the building was decided on the spot. That's the story of a female hero who was unexpectedly defeated on the ground. Of course,it is impossible for anyone else to do this. After the arrival of the female master,Kakuho,there was a lot of humiliation,and a lot of grudges were published. At the beginning,she maintained that she was the female owner,but in the end,she felt that she should return to her husband. However,the attack on others will continue,the rape will continue,and the others will stop their own efforts. In the end,a happy separation was achieved,and this unity was achieved,but the tragic situation ended...

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