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[Apadash] Fierce Fight! Shameless Sports Day! ~Sweat,Scream,Cum~ The Motion Anime

系列作: アパダッシュ

Overview: Shameless Sports Day. It is a sports day held only in a certain region where all the events are erotic. For the students,it is a once-yearly festival where they can do all kinds of erotic things in public. However,on the morning of the day,a small incident occurs in the air of excitement and expectation. Two girls get into a fight due to a small misunderstanding...! "Let's have a contest at today's Shameless Sports Day! If you lose,you must follow the orders of the winner!" "...Okay,I'll take the challenge. Just wait and see." One wants to clear up the other's misunderstanding and make up. The other wants to vent their resentment born from a misunderstanding. With each of their thoughts in their hearts,the girls head to the grounds where the Shameless Sports Day is held. --And so. A battle that the two cannot afford to lose begins...!

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