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[ani-mo] Slave Training: The elite girls' school student council becomes prey to a delinquent boys' school Anime Edition

系列作: ani-mo

Overview: Delinquents from a boys' school vs. the student council of an elite girls' school! There were two schools in this town. A girls' school with good behavior and excellent grades,and a boys' school with badly behaved delinquents. The delinquents at the boys' school have a strong sexual desire and are always after the bodies of female students,repeatedly engaging in vicious pick-up activities every day. To put an end to the pick-up activities,the three members of the girls' school student council decide to invade the boys' school. After a fierce battle,the three splendidly defeat the leader of the delinquent school and restore peace to the town. Or so it seemed. However,the delinquents at the boys' school pretended to obey them,while waiting for an opportunity to strike back...

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