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[survive more] My Student Has His Eyes On Me: The Motion Anime Part 2

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Overview: Lunch break - Giving a nod to the students I pass,I head towards the back of the school with my yakisoba bun in hand. Normally,lunch break is the time to jump for joy... Both students and teachers look forward to this time. Just like in their student days,it's a brief moment when teachers can be free from "work and study". However,recently,this brief moment has become a source of worry,and the situation is turning around... The reason is that "I'm at the usual place during lunch break!" "What's up today?" "Okay." "Should we go behind the school?" "Okay." "Let's head there for now." As I head towards the back of the school,I see three students from my class. They have low attendance rates and are what they call problem children... My student... "has his eye on me"...

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