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[survive more] The Daughter of My First Love The Motion Anime

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Overview: --I heard that you liked your mom when you were a student,right? The protagonist reunites with Honoka,a girl he had a crush on in his school days,and ends up having a relationship with her daughter,Sayaka. Honoka,who is obviously unaware that the protagonist and his daughter have become physically involved,gradually becomes attracted to the protagonist upon their reunion and suggests that the three of them go on a hot spring trip together. Whether she knows about her mother's feelings or not,Sayaka demands that they play in a situation that seems as if she wants her mother to find out. --I know,you're attracted to your mom. Hehe...I don't mind,but aren't you being a bit selfish? After all that sex with me. See,when I French kissed you,you got turned on...♪ Won't it be painful to leave it like that? I'll let you use this...

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