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[Vincent] 11: T-type

系列作: ヴィンセント

Overview: Identification: Type 11T. A general-purpose android preference model. It mimics the preference reproductive behavior of humans. It was developed for the purpose of utilizing the physiological properties of combat models,but some accounts claim that this model is the prototype for the combat model. Historical accuracy is difficult due to prehistoric origins. It has a pseudo-human orientation,and has a tendency toward behavior known as personality. Personalities vary from person to person,and this model is considered relatively stable. It is powered by basic technology,and therefore heat supply is extremely unstable. It is equipped with an organic circulatory system,and performs metabolic reactions similar to those of living organisms. The unit is equipped with preference equipment of humans,such as a dress,mask,and shoes. As a historical learning requirement,the usage record of this unit is disclosed and shared here.

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